CSAFE Learning Project - Long Course

During my internship at Model Farm, I worked with a company called CSAFE. My project manager tasked me with making a certificate and badge to appear upon completing one of their courses. CSAFE (Center for Statistics and Application in Forensic Evidence) had a program called CSAFE Learning, which helped forensic practitioners and legal professionals be educated on analyzing and interpreting forensic evidence the project began with me making a badge and certificate for one of their Long Courses. Above is the final design they approved; the certificate would be something you could print out to keep, and the badge would go on your online CSAFE Learning profile.

CSAFE Learning Project - Short Course

After finishing the Long Course certificate and badge, I was asked to do something similar with their Short Courses. The difference with the Short Courses is that each one has multiple parts. They wanted to have the badges show which parts you completed, which meant I had to change the design of the badge to show the part of the course that was completed and the name of the course. Above are the final designs that they approved; I had stars in the middle of the badge to show which parts of the course were completed. I also had added a gold bar at the bottom with the course's name.

CSAFE Learning Project - Certificates of Completion

CSAFE then wanted to have certificates for all their different learning paths, and wanted me to make one for when you complete all of one learning path. For the other learning paths, the base design was the same and I just change the colors of the ribbons to match the color for the learning path. For the final certificate you get, they wanted me to make it more formal certificate. They also wanted to add a signature of the Director of CSAFE, Alicia L. Carriquiry. This was the final thing I did for this project, and my coworker and I eventually turned the certificates into editable PDFs.

After finally finishing the project, I thought this was great at teaching me the design world. I worked on this big project for a while, and it came out great. The design of the badge was well done, and I especially like the gold gradation on it. The design of the certificates matched well with the style of CSAFE Learning and has a good hierarchy. One thing I would do differently about this project overall is my design process. I got this project at the beginning of my internship and spent too much time designing the badge. I thought I had to make it from scratch because that is what I thought the design was. I realized it is okay to reference images and others' work when designing the design. This caused the beginning part of the project to take longer than expected. I have been learning to make the design process more efficient, so I can spend more time developing multiple ideas rather than trying to make my initial design perfect.


Animation - Star Avenue Title Intro